Shipping Your Engine - 7 Easy Steps to Follow

We will remove and replace your flywheel and pto (driveshaft coupler) if you can't remove it. No other parts should be left on with out calling us first.

Please do not use FedEx! They will not deliver!


We will not return your same contianer that you ship!

It will be a good used container or a new container.


We will not prep and paint any mag housings or other accessories  We will wipe them and reinstall. 


Remove all parts from of engine. Water trays, studs, bolts, starter, all manifolds and mounts. If there are unautherized parts left on your engine we will not return them.Make sure to put a letter with your name, return address and phone number inside the container. We can not use the label to check-in your engine. We have engines just sitting because we cannot identify the owner of them.



















Step 1:

TARGET carry 18 gallon rubbermaid storage cotainers. this sytle  of  containers seem to hold up the best. You will need one with the lid.

Step 2:

You will need a piece of light blue or pink foam board (a min. thickness of 1 1/2" ) for the bottom also sold at Home Depot or Lowes. It usually comes in 4x8 piece. You can use the other pieces for packing around the engine. 

                            If the foam is white do not use it.














Step 3:

Line the container with a large garbage bag and set engine inside.













Step 4:

Pack around the engine with painters paper (also sold at Home Depot or Lowes), or use the left over foam pieces.  Pack it very tight so the engine can't move at all.













* Step 5:

Please put a letter with your name, return address and phone number inside the container. please do not forget your phone number.

Install the lid and drill 1/4 inch holes around the perimeter.

Step 6:

Install wire tie/zip ties to secure the lid.

Step 7:

Tighten the zip ties and cut the tails and you're ready to ship:

UPS only!

Do not use Fedex!



* Many times we can't read the UPS label by the time it gets here. We won't know who's engine it is if you don't follow step 5 (Insert a letter with your name, address and phone number inside the container). Remeber to put you phone number in the box!!

please remove all parts from the engine. including all bolts, studs and water trays!  WeWe will remove and replace your flywheel and pto (driveshaft coupler) if you can't remove itPlease send rave valve blades so we can clearance them to the new pistons. will also set the timing. No other parts should be left on without calling us first. We can not send back any fittings that screw in - they must be removed.













How to reach us

The Seadoo Engine Shop

Horsham, PA 19044


Phone: (267) 432-3169


Business Hours

Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

(Eastern Time)

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